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Non-Profit Organization

It was founded on August 23, 2001, in Guatemala City, duly registered in the Registry of Legal Persons of the Civil Registry of Guatemala City and in turn in the Ministry of Interior, and in the Magistrate of Minors on May 29, 2003, we have collaborated with the State of Guatemala providing shelter, protection, psychological counseling, and legal advice to minors sent to our shelters many of these minors abandoned by their parents and other times for being victims of abuse.
From 2001 to 2009 we collaborated with the Magistracy of Minors, with support to the minors along with their families who were sent to our shelters while their legal situation was elucidated within the Family Courts and Juvenile Courts, during which time we provided the necessary support for which we have been recognized for our willingness to serve and to serve well always seeking the best interest of the child and the right to family, identity, health, education, and food. 
This is part of what our non-profit organization has done:

  • We are currently members of the Interinstitutional Network of Victim Support of the Public Ministry.

  • We have been recognized by the Human Rights Ombudsman's Office as permanent members of the Children's Ombudsman's Office.

  • We are Members of the Commission of the Migrant of the Congress of the Republic as Defenders of the Human Rights of Childhood, Woman and any person whose Human Rights are vulnerable, as Permanent Members of the new law of the Migrant.

  • We are members of the Network of Homes and Shelters of the Secretariat against Sexual Violence, Exploitation, and Trafficking of Persons SVET.

  • We have worked in the Project of Reinsertion to their communities and families of children who were repatriated from the United States of America to Guatemala, who arrived in the United States in an irregular way and without adult accompaniment, and who were deported to Guatemala.  We have been working on this project together with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in Guatemala and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).   We are the only civil association working directly with the U.S. Embassy and IOM.

  • We have signed several inter-institutional support programs since 2014 to date between our Association and the Public Ministry (MP) with the Attorney General's Office (PGN) and the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) in different types of inter-institutional support programs between our Association and the aforementioned institutions. 



Together with the Attorney General's Office, we have been providing support in workshops on Personal Motivation, Anger Management, Relaxation Methods, Support to the Justice Operators who attend to the Victim (HELP WHO HELPS), Psychological Support to the Institution's Personnel who need it and who require it. Also a Program with a lot of acceptance at a national level "Niña Madre Crianza con Cariño" the purpose of supporting girl mothers under 17 years of age, giving them Maternal-Infant Orientation, Psychological Help, Support with Obstetric Medical Clinic, Support with Pediatric Medical Clinic for the Babies, Parenting School for the underage mothers, Parenting School for the parents of the underage mothers and in extreme cases to give them temporary shelter, Training in Crafts and Technical Jobs as well as the reinsertion of the girl mothers to the National Educational System. All this is in addition to our program of Crianza con Cariño that was implemented by 2 Guatemalan psychologists with a scholarship from the Embassy of Israel. Who collaborate with us in this program. 

School for Parents directed to girl mothers called "Crianza con Cariño", recently created and for which an agreement has been signed with The General Attorney OfficeThis program is currently under development.


With the Public Prosecutor's Office, we collaborate institutionally in the psychological and legal support for minors and women who have been physically, psychologically, or sexually abused, providing them with the necessary support, and at the same time we act as ADHESIVE QUERELLANTS in the judicial processes that so merit it. We have been providing support in workshops on Personal Motivation, Anger Control, Relaxation Methods, Support to the Justice Operators in the different Prosecutor's Offices that attend to Victim (HELP WHO HELPS), Psychological Support to the Personnel of the Institution that needs it and requires it.


With the Supreme Court of Justice, our Association works with people referred by the Courts of Childhood and Adolescence, Family, Domestic Violence Femicide, and other forms of Violence against Women, as a psychotherapeutic program, where we offer orientation workshops of Schools for Parents and psychological therapies to children and adolescent victims, members of the family circle, women victims of any form of violence, thus covering a need that is mandated in the different laws that require the State to create these programs. In addition, we work with the prevention of child abuse in public schools that refer children to us for care, which have been detected to have been victims of some type of abuse.

We recently signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Development, which is not yet in effect but will be of great support in 7 departments of the Republic of Guatemala where the incidence of abuse against women and minors has the highest rates not only in the country but also in Central America.



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