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Comprehensive Family Creation











​Process and Outcome / Presentation Introduction


Our methods and processes used to ensure a successful journey are nearly the same as best practices in the USA but have added advantage.  We differ in regards that are more beneficial to the Intended Parents' concerns and life-changing for the Gestational Carrier.  First, we put everything you need in one place.  You only need to work with us.  Secondly, we come at a much lower cost.  Finally, we are able to care for and support your Gestational Carrier in ways not possible in the United States.


The methods and protocols used to create families through assisted reproductive technology (ART) with GCs in Guatemala are not that different from methods in the United States.  Our team has extensive experience in screening GCs, managing their journeys, and assisting anxious IPs.  We apply all USA best practices, and some extra measures related to the social activity (see below), in accomplishing successful journeys in Guatemala.


Our principal methods come to us through guidelines from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (  Additional guidance comes from professional societies such as Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy, and workshops we have attended at professional meetings.  We have enhanced some of our methods from lessons learned screening thousands of GC candidates, managing hundreds of GCs, and working with eager IPs over the past five years.



Screening and Selecting GCs


Gestational Carriers are screened on four primary dimensions.  In order of easiest to the most complex, they are Medical, Psychological, Background, and Social.


Medical Screening is the easiest of the four dimensions.  This starts with reviewing the medical records of the GC candidate.  Were her past pregnancies full term and her deliveries uncomplicated?  Does she have any medical issues that could compromise her health or that of the baby?


The ASRM guidelines clearly outline the physical and biochemical (blood work) parameters to be examined following the medical record review.  Drug testing is normally a part of her initial medical screening and may continue through the hormonal workup prior to and after embryo transfer.


Psychological screening is best done in person and consists of a clinical exam along with a battery test.  Telescreening has become more accepted and in wider spread use.  We prefer in-person clinical examination.  Common battery tests are the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Index (MMPI) and the Personality Assessment Index (PAI).  Additional tests might be used such as addiction propensity exams.


Background checking is typically accomplished with the use of a licensed detective agency with access to special non-public databases.  Best practice in background checking would include investigating any non-criminal legal matters (liens, judgments, etc) and review of all social media. 


Social review or psychosocial examination is the most difficult and can greatly impact the outcome of a journey.  Will the woman follow in great detail the instructions of the medical professionals?  Will she cut corners in taking her prescribed hormones, prenatal vitamins, or eating properly?  Will she engage in risky behavior, or be surrounded by toxic elements such as second-hand smoke?  The social constitution of the GC candidate is the answer to all of these questions.

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